
Cloud save ksp mac os
Cloud save ksp mac os

cloud save ksp mac os

I get an OS X error screen I looked at the log and it's seeing the wrong architecture. only 5.x has Unity Installer.ĮDIT: Unity Editor has all of the files mentioned in the OP, but my KSP won't start. Thanks for reading!Īm I supposed to download Unity Editor? That's the only option for the 4.x series. Also from my personal observation, FAR, DRE and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement seem to work fine and I do no get any error messages for using a 64 bit version of KSP. I hope the instructions weren't too unclear and please let me know if I did something wrong somewhere! With this 64 bit modification, I am able to run EVE and Astronomer's Visual Pack with no problem and 64 bit vanilla KSP just feels much smoother. Next, go to Contents/Data/Managed in the UnityPlayer application and copy UnityEngine.dll to Contents/Data/Managed in the KSP application, replacing the previous dll.įinally, go to Contents/Data/Managed/etc/ in the KSP app and delete the mono folder, and copy the mono folder from /Contents/Data/Managed/etc/ in the UnityPlayer application to /Contents/Data/Managed/etc/ in the KSP application.

cloud save ksp mac os

Then, go back to Contents/ in the KSP app and go to the 'Frameworks' folder and delete 'MonoEmbedRuntime', replacing it by the 'MonoEmbedRuntime' from Contents/Frameworks in the UnityPlayer application. Copy 'UnityPlayer' from the UnityPlayer app and go to Contents/MacOS/ in the KSP app, remove the 'KSP' file inside the folder and copy the file you copied from the UnityPlayer application and rename it to 'KSP'.

cloud save ksp mac os

MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR CURRENT INSTALL OF KSP FIRST!įirst, get the Mac version of Unity 4.6.4, download it from Īfter downloading and installing it, right click the Unity app and 'Show Package Contents' - the first file you will need to get is in Contents/Playback Engines/MacStandaloneSupport/Variations/macos圆4_nondevelopment_mono, click 'Show Package Contents' again and go to Contents/MacOS.

Cloud save ksp mac os